Monday, 9 April 2012

Returning to model railways.

After building and flying radio controlled model helicopters for around ten years I decided to come back to model railways. I used to have a railway layout in the seventies although thinking back it was probably just a train set but still great fun at the time.

The Blyth Cambois Maintenance Depot area in Northumberland had always been of interest to me and is the area that I'm hoping to model, I spent hours at a time there, as well as being a maintenance depot the West Blyth staithes were in full swing as well adding extra interest for me.

I was lucky enough to have an uncle who worked there as an examiner and he would quite often get me rides on the Class 08 shunter which propelled sets of 21ton coal loaded hopper wagons up onto the staithes as well as carrying out other shunter duties.
One day my uncle got me a ride on a Class 37 taking empties from the West staithes to Lynemouth Colliery then exchanging for loaded hoppers and then back to the Blyth Power Station complex.

My 00 gauge model railway layout will hopefully be a good representation of the West Blyth staithes and the maintenance depot areas, this will be built in the loft space of my house.
The layout will be DCC controlled allowing all locomotives to be fitted with sound and lighting functions.

I have a lot of work to do before I can start building my railway layout in earnest, there is a chimney stack that I want removing and I also want the loft space fully insulated.
I have already had electrics installed in the loft, these include 3x5ft tube lights, a double plug socket for power and of course a light switch!
Most of the loft has now been floored with the exception of the chimney stack area.

1 comment:

  1. I was the same Mick, had to floorboard the loft twice and we had a whole new roof put on!
    The things we do for the love of trains, eh?
